How to connect Spring Boot Application to MySQL database ?

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How to connect Spring Boot Application to MySQL database ?

Connecting a Spring Boot application to a MySQL database involves several steps. Let us dive into the steps one by one :

  1. Set Up MySQL Database:

    • Install MySQL Server on your machine or set up a remote MySQL server.

    • Create a new database or use an existing one that your Spring Boot application will connect to.

  2. Add MySQL Dependency:

    • In your Spring Boot project's pom.xml file, add the MySQL dependency to the list of dependencies:
    •             <dependency>
  • Configure Database Properties:

    • In your or application.yml file (usually found in the src/main/resources folder), configure the database connection properties:
    •          spring.datasource.url=jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/your_database_name
      • Make sure to replace your_database_name, your_username, and your_password with your actual MySQL database information.
  1. Create Entity Classes:

    • Create Java classes that map to your database tables. These are often referred to as "entity classes" and can be annotated with @Entity and related annotations. These classes represent the structure of your database tables.
  2. Create Repository Interfaces:

    • Create repository interfaces by extending the Spring Data JPA JpaRepository interface. These interfaces will provide methods to interact with your database using standard CRUD operations and more.
  3. Implement Business Logic:

    • Write your business logic in Spring components like services, controllers, and so on. Use the repository interfaces to interact with the database.
  4. Run the Application:

    • Start your Spring Boot application. Spring Boot will automatically configure the database connection based on the properties you provided.
  5. Test the Connection:

    • Test the connection by using the endpoints or methods you implemented to interact with the database. You can create, read, update, and delete records to ensure that the data is being properly stored and retrieved.

Remember that this is a simplified outline, and your specific project may have additional complexities or considerations. Make sure to consult the official Spring Boot documentation and MySQL documentation for more detailed guidance and troubleshooting.